Give and Support Black Literature

Please Support Mosaic Literary Magazine.

Make a Donation

Your belief that the Literary Freedom Project and Mosaic magazine will make a difference is important to us. We’re fighting to keep immersive reading, literary arts, expository writing, and professional development important in the lives of parents, youth workers, primary caregivers, and teachers. LFP’s programs help foster increased cultural identity, vocational prospects, and education opportunities. If you believe then now is the time to take action, support our programs, and give.

For many non-profit arts organizations it’s been a tough year –income from grants and donations are way down. Mosaic has felt the pinch but we also recognize the importance of our mission. Your tax-deductible donation will help strengthen our support of literary arts and education. Click here and become an inaugural member of the Publisher’s Circle with a $100 donation.

LFP 2010 Accomplishments


Spring Workshops: six professional-development workshop

Lesson Plans for Educators: downloadable lesson plans focused on writers of the Diaspora

Around Town: A new photo-documentation events page on

Mosaic Literary Conference: Zora Neale Hurston documentary and six pro-dev workshops -focus on The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Original video content: readings by Bernice McFadden, Ntozake Shange, and others

Developed print-on-demand Mosaic using

Mosaic interviews photographer Jamel Shabazz, novelist Tiphanie Yanique, and poets Tara Betts, John Murillo, and R. Dwayne Betts

Yes! I will become a member of the
Publisher’s Circle for $100


Four issues of Mosaic

Signed copy of Glorious* by Bernice McFadden or How To Escape From A Leper Colony* by Tiphanie Yanique

Donation acknowledgment in Mosaic and website

Now is the time to act. Your Publisher’s Circle membership will curb the erosive effect diminished reading and writing skills are having on students.

Donate through

Or, click here to make a donation of any amount. It will be appreciated.

Old School Gifts: Make checks payable to “Literary Freedom Project”
314 west 231 St #470, Bronx NY 10463

Our goal is simple: restore the importance of reading books –in all forms– to develop intelligent, productive, and engaged young people.


Ron Kavanaugh
Publisher and Executive Director
Mosaic Literary Magazine
Literary Freedom Project
314 West 231 St #470
Bronx NY 10463