the elections

I’m still high from the recent elections, though I wish Harold Ford Jr. had been successful in his run for the Senate. I supported his campaign, along with Obama’s and Clinton’s, here in New York. It was wonderful meeting the next generation of Black leadership at fundraising events here in the city. Both Obama and Ford are gracious, genuine men. In fact, they would make a dynamic ticket for the White House. One from the industrial midwest, the other from the south: it’s a strategist’s dream ticket. Except, of course, for the race factor. Two Black men running for President and Vice-President? Think America’s ready to even consider that?

Expect to hear much more from Ford. He ran a great campaign, came close enough to being the first African American from the South elected to the Senate since Reconstruction to generate real energy for the future. He has a magnetic pull similar to Bill Clinton’s (the real rock star).

My hope is Pelosi, Conyers, Rangel, and other top-ranking Dems will now do the bold work necessary to resolve the mess in Iraq. Also looking forward to the day when health care and college become more affordable, the minimum wage increases, and the middle class takes a break on taxes – with rich Americans giving more back to this country, and the people in it, who have given them so much.


  • § Simone said on :

    register to vote!