Nooses Still Hanging from Southern Trees – Whites Only Areas and the Plight of the Jena 6

The National Association of Black Journalists sent a call for members to cover the story of the Jena 6. Thanks to my friends, including Wendi and Blair Smith and Theo Perry, who sent me additional information about this case, which many of you have read about and seen on CNN by now. Here’s the story:

Strange Fruit Still Grows in the South

In September 2006, a Black student at Jena High School in Jena, Louisiana asked his vice principal for permission to sit under a tree. The tree, an oak in the school courtyard, was the school’s de facto whites-only gathering spot. The vice principal told the Black student he could sit where he wanted. However, the day after he and his friends, all African American, sat under the tree, three nooses were hanging from its branches.

The principal wanted to expel the students who hung the nooses, but the school district committee reduced their penalty to a three-day suspension after the superintendent dismissed the noose hanging as a “prank.” Racial tensions grew in the school over the next three months.

What Time is It?

Here are some facts this small southern town:
3,000 – number of Jena residents
350 – number of Black residents
2 – number of Black teachers in the town’s public schools
1 – number of Black police officers
1 – number of African Americans on the 9-member school board

Jena is in LaSalle Parish, and the parish’s 10 member, all-male government includes one African American. When Ku Klux Klan member and former Grand Wizard David Duke ran for governor of Louisiana, he carried the white vote in LaSalle Parish, according to Families in the parish earn about 60% of the national average, and less than 10% of small businesses are Black-owned.

“The Battle Royal”
Here’s another fact about this town: In 2000 the Juvenile Correctional Center for Youth in Jena was closed after only 2 years of operation. Guards physically choked children in the facility, and the US Department of Justice sued the prison because guards paid youth inmates to fight each other and laughed when teens under their care in the facility tried to commit suicide.

Time Line

September 2006 –
1)Black student asks to sit under whites-only tree
2)nooses hung day after Black teens congregate under the oak tree in the school courtyard
3)principal wants to expel students who hung symbol of generations of physical violence against African Americans
4)superintendent overrules principal, calls the noose-hanging a “prank”
5)Black students gather under “whites-only” tree in protest of the superintendent’s decision
6)District Attorney Reed Walters visits Jena High School and threatens the Black students gathered in protest, telling them he, “can be your best friends or worst enemy…I can take away your lives with a stroke of my pen,” according to Color of Change.

October, 2006
student scuffles in school continue and lead to fights off-campus

Thursday, November 30th
someone sets fire to the school’s main academic building

Friday, December 1st
a Black student attending a predominantly white party is beaten

Saturday, December 2nd –
1)a white man pulls a shotgun on a group of young Black men at the Gotta Go convenience store
2)Black men manage to take the gun away from him
3)the young Black men who took the gun are arrested
4)no charges are filed against the white man who threatened them with his shotgun

Monday, December 3rd –
1)a white student, Justin Barker, a vocal supporter of the students who hung the nooses, taunts Black students and calls them “niggers.”
2)after lunch, a group of Black students beats white student
3)white student taken to hospital for treatment and released by emergency room that day
4)white student attends a party that same evening.

And Now…

And now at least one white family has left Jena because of “racist stuff” in the town, but the focus is on Mychal Bell, a student and football star who was arrested with five other Black male students after the beating of Justin Barker. Seventeen years old now, Mychal was arrested when he was 16.

I said, “What Time is It?”

Mychal was convicted by an all-white jury, before a white judge, in a local court where he was represented by a white public defender. Though a teen, Mychal was tried as an adult. The public defender never called a single witness. The jury took only 3 hours to reach their decision.

Judge JP Mauffray Jr. of the 28th Judicial District Court vacated one charge against Mychal but left the other, a charge of second-degree aggravated battery, even though he agreed that Mychal should have been tried in juvenile court. Bell’s attorneys are now seeking an emergency appeal in a desperate attempt to keep this child out of prison. The possible sentence? Mychal now faces 22 years. He and five other African American boys face decades locked up for a school fight. After Mychal, the next child in the Jena Six, Theodore Shaw, faces 20 – 80 years behind bars.

Tony Brown named the group of boys “The Jena 6.” Michael Baisden broadcast live from Jena in support of the Jena 6. And the NAACP letter of support seeks justice for The Jena 6.

The oak tree where the all-white students congregated, where Black students dared to sit, where nooses hung, has been cut down. The stump must be an ugly reminder to students and Jena residents of the racial strife in their town. Cutting the tree, a living thing, really helps none of the people involved, though, does it? Like racism, a seemingly living thing in this country and around the world, chopping away at different parts does nothing. To kill racism, we must get to its roots. If we don’t, if there is no justice for the Jena 6, racial tension will simply grow. Again.

To Help, You Can:

Check worldwide coverage of the Jena 6, including The Chicago Tribune, The London Observer,, the BBC, and Color of Change.

Also, sign the petition seeking justice for The Jena 6. Sign the letters addressed to Governor Blanco and DA Walters.

Read even more at Democracy Now.

Listen to coverage on NPR.


  • § Theo Perry said on :

    Thank you so much for spotlighting this ugly crime against blacks and the ongoing struggle for people to sit and live anywhere they want.


  • Comment(s)

  • § Virginia said on :

    You asked what time is it? It’s time for us to realize that for as far as we’ve come, it isn’t far enough. It’s time to get a backhoe, dig up that stump (and stumps like it everywhere) by its racist roots and not allow it to stand as a monument to a town’s utter disregard and lack of respect for the dignity of every life–including that of a tree.

  • Comment(s)

  • § Ralph Richardson said on :

    What time is it? It’s time to wake the f*ck up!!! Believe me this is not an aberration. I repeat, this is not an aberration.

    Wake the f*ck up!!!

  • Comment(s)

  • § Beth Clarke-Jackson said on :

    Please visit this website to help support the Jena 6. They are also selling Tee-Shirts to raise funds for their legal fees. (The cut off date may have passed but it is never to late to participate!) PEACE!

  • Comment(s)

  • § dre oba said on :


    Justice for Everybody Not African
    Indians and Latin kids lock them up and pack them in
    Crime pays so the DA will trap them in
    It’s the new millennium slave trafficking
    Call Weezy, Call Baby, Call BG, Call Juvenile, Mannie Fresh, Call Master P
    Soulja Slim would have rode but he in the ground
    Somebody call Young Turk he ’bout to get out
    Call Romeo he ballin’ on a scholarship
    Don’t be silenced by record label politics
    Original Man so I’ll be the genesis you know what the mission is:
    We gonna FREE THE JENA 6

    Jena, Louisiana they call it the Deep South
    In other words black folks keep out
    Or stay in your place its OK if you’re playing it safe
    Or a wide grin stay on your face
    Kids raised to hate
    Before age 8 they learn to tie nooses this is what a lie produces
    And 10 years later you beside the student in high school
    In his mind you’re a visitor N—- it’s my school
    This is my room don’t you even try coon
    It sets the stage for a showdown at high noon
    Lunchtime in the cafeteria one mind thinking blacks inferior
    One time under a tree that cracks the exterior and reveals the truth
    Must of forgot that you’re still a spook
    You’ll remember when you see this noose see this tree was used
    To hang your ancestors after we’d party and barbecue
    This led to rising tension when the ones who did it got a brief suspension
    And you know our spirit we will not surrender we always fight back
    It’s on now its white vs. black like a war
    A black kid was jumped it opened the door
    A white man pulled a shotgun at a convenience store on black children
    They didn’t put their hands to the ceiling
    They disarmed the man and then ran from the building
    Unless you’re born black you can’t understand the feeling
    They beat that boy down they never planned to kill him
    Them young brothers just wanted to defend they friends
    And in the end to suspend is all it should have been
    But they went further
    They was charged as grown men for attempted murder
    For a fight in high school
    They were made an example in Jena that whites rule
    And you won’t see this on the Nightly News
    Cause they’ll likely choose dog fighting and blues
    Michael Vick being stripped of his lightning shoes
    Not 6 teenagers being charged despite the rules
    Or a racist prosecutor trying to take our future
    This is madness children behind bars this is savage
    As we spend money on cars, jewelry and fabric
    Our children need our help to heal this damage
    When you don’t speak the truth watch your realness vanish
    So sign the petition organize for the victims
    Please give your money, your time, and your wisdom
    And to Mychal Bell were gonna fight for your freedom
    And we want a million dollars for every night you keep him

    It’s Justice for Everybody Not African
    Indians and Latin kids lock them up and pack them in
    Crime pays so the DA will trap them in
    It’s the new millennium slave trafficking
    Call Weezy, Call Baby, Call BG, Call Juvenile, Mannie Fresh, Call Master P
    Soulja Slim would have rode but he in the ground
    Somebody call Young Turk he bout to get out
    Call Romeo he ballin’ on a scholarship
    Don’t be silenced by record label politics
    Original Man so I’ll be the genesis you know what the mission is:
    We gonna FREE THE JENA 6