Tavis and Obama / Urban Lit on Farai Chideya’s “News and Notes”

Eric Brown of The Detroit News, Jasmyne Cannick, and I sat at NPR’s Bloggers’ Roundtable yesterday. Listen to the 16 minute audio discussion of two topics of interest: Tavis Smiley’s recent invitation to Barack Obama to attend The State of the Black Union and the recent public discourse over Urban Fiction. Just click on NPR.org and join the discussion.


  • § poetryman69 said on :

    Energy Independence Now!
    No more Oil Wars!
    Stop funding the terrorists!
    Drill in Anwar.

    Build more nuclear power plants
    Use More coal.
    Use more natural gas
    Turn trash into energy
    Double the efficiency of windmills and solar cells.

    If France can do nuclear power so can we.
    If Brazil can do biomass/ethanol power so can we.
    If Australia can do LNG power so can we.