Tara Roberts On Why She Supports Hil

My good friend and Cosmo Girl! magazine Senior Editor Tara Roberts wrote an op-ed piece for TheRoot.com on why she supports Hillary. In it, she asks why race trumps gender and freely imagines a world that no longer allows “the rape of, the violence against and the suppression of millions of beautiful souls just because they have ovaries.” For her, Hillary’s presidency would help us achieve that goal. She also bemoans the responses of folk who do support Barack and who ask her why – or how – she can possibly root for Hil:

“I have no quarrel with those of you who support Barack ? he’s a fine choice ? but I do get upset with those who begrudge me my choice and who dismiss Hillary because of these recent spats in the media (I know YOU know that CNN and Fox get higher ratings every time they fan the Clinton/ Obama race flames).”

Check out this thoughtful article on TheRoot.com.


  • § zuhirah said on :

    why do we even have to speak about this in these terms.. “race trumping gender”?? who says I’m supporting Obama cuz he’s black? Personally, I’m supporting him cuz I’m an idealist.. truth ruth. i would have liked to hear why, other than Hillary being a woman, Tara is such an ardent supporter– was it Hillary’s support of the war, or her recent proposal to put thousands of more cops on the street? peace and love, ZK

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  • § DeBerryandGrant said on :

    I (Virginia) am not for Barack because he’s black, but because I believe he is a brilliant visionary – the first in my voting lifetime, which is considerable–who might (and this is where my idealism battles my cynicism) be able to lead this country away from the perilous edge on which it is teetering. We are in a dangerous place and time – where privacy, individualism, truth, are falling prey to the prying eyes and ears of government, the “if you’re not with us you’re against us” rhetoric and more spin and fear mongering than we can possibly control. I believe that only something (someone) new – like America was two and half centuries ago can bring us back to the real belief in, and pursuit of, the shining ideals that were and still are inherent in our constitution and the right of every American.

    But so far as I can tell, this is still America and we can all still follow our hearts, minds and consciences and vote for the candidate of our choice.

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  • § JH said on :

    I think Tara only supports Hillary, because Hillary is a woman. A lot of people, including myself, supported Hillary before Obama, but when the better candidate steps in, people flock. It’s not about race. It’s not about gender. It’s about a dream that will not be deferred. It’s about a chance to move forward. Tara said, “If she (Hillary) inspires even a few of the millions of girls and women in this world to believe that they too could run for an impossible office and win, then she’s the harbinger of the kind of change I think the world needs.” An African-American male, whose father is from Kenya, and mother is from Kansas is running for President too. If Tara does not also see Obama as a harbinger of the kind of change that the world needs, then I have to suck my teeth and roll my eyes right along with the rest of them. He gives everyone hope. Women. Men. Black. White. He represents not only African-Americans, but “White America” as well. His mother, and his grandmother are white women. So, he also represents women. Obama, embodies and encompasses the understanding of pride and prejudice in the world. Lastly, Tara stated that it is the “impossible office”. You support Clinton and still see it as the “impossible office”. I support Obama, and now I know that all things are “possible”.