Najee Ali’s Open Letter to Jesse Jackson

Thanks to Terrie Williams, who sent this link to me:

NAJEE ALI: An open letter to Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.
(July 10, 2008)

*Rev Jackson, your vulgar tirade caught on tape by Fox News where you said you wanted to cut Barack Obama’s nuts off and accusing him of talking down to Black folks by giving moral lectures at churches is the last straw for me and a growing number of African Americans who are outraged at your comments.

There are many Blacks across the nation, myself included, who are appreciative for the work and contributions you have made in your civil rights career. But at this point, you’re hurting Black America and Obama.

In September 2007 it was clear that you were frustrated by Obama, when you stated in an interview in South Carolina that Obama needs to stop acting white, because you felt he was not engaged in the Jena 6 movement enough to your liking.

Rev Jackson your continued verbal attacks on Obama are unwarranted it’s as if you’re jealous that Obama has eclipsed you and both your campaigns for the Democratic nomination by actually preparing to win it as the 2008 presumptive nominee.

For years you have been criticized as an ambulance chaser and opportunist. Many of Dr. King’s insiders and aides say that King did not trust you. 40 years ago in Memphis as King lay dying from an assassin’s bullet your first thought and action was to smear your shirt with Dr. King’s blood.

You then proceeded to appear in Chicago the next day on several news programs wearing the same shirt you deliberately smeared with his blood as if you were the heir of King’s movement. Obama’s recent comments about Black fathers not abandoning their children and accepting moral responsibility in our lives is a lesson you apparently needed to learn when you were younger. If you had, it may not have caused you to cheat on your wife and father a child out of wedlock with a former staffer.

Maybe that’s what really bothered you about Obama’s message to the church that Black fathers should be responsible for their children; you certainly haven’t been.

Living in Los Angeles I have watched your ten year old daughter Ashley Laverne Jackson grow up. Over the years I have had the pleasure to spend several holidays with your daughter including Christmas, her birthday parties and other milestones in her life. I will never turn my back on Ashley her mom and their family. It’s about providing friendship, support and love to them while you have been missing in action.

Your daughter has never traveled or taken a trip with you, you have an annual birthday party in Beverly Hills every year where your entire family is welcome but your youngest child has only attended it once. She has had very little contact with her siblings and has never even met her big brother Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr, who apparently doesn’t want anything to do with her. And allegedly (I believe it to be true ), he was the one to leak the scandal to the media concerning your affair. Now don’t get me wrong, Obama is not above reproach. He is a politician and is fair game to be fairly criticized by you or anyone else. But to personally attack Obama is crossing the line. Obama is not talking down to Black people; he wants you and other dead beat dads to spend time and care for your children properly. The destruction of the Black family and absentee fathers is a major problem in our community.

It’s a problem that King spoke out and fought against. 40 years after King’s murder I can see why King didn’t trust you. If you can’t and won’t sincerely help Obama in this historic run then at least stop attacking him. Listen to Obama’s message of being a responsible father and start taking care of your daughter Ashley.

Najee Ali


  • § jomo grady   said on :

    The funny or f***** up thing is that this fool was always so concerned with how the public or media viewed him and now its coming back full circle for this fool in the worst way. The African American public thinks he?s a punk ass hater and dead beat dad and the white man is going to follow suit like ?You know Jesse they do have a point?.lol. That lil? Secret handshake and blood oath you took to get you out the field and into the house can?t save you now N****, kick rocks.

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  • § Al-Nisa said on :

    Ladies and Gentleman……..Watch out for the divide and conquer technique. They’ve always been crafty at getting us to choose sides and take focus off the goal. Jessie has to deal with his own demons… this is not the time to call him to the carpet- we have too much riding on this election. lets get Obama in, then deal with the nay sayers. This open letter from a broader scope does not just reflect on Jesse but it reflects on our inability “as a people” to ward off the tricks of our oppressor. Although Naji’s comments were warranted, this may not be the best time to divide the country into Jesse loyals and Obama supporters.

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  • § t.jenifer   said on :

    1. Excellent! Time always has the last laugh. The younger and post civil right generations, that is, most of you are seeing for your self the Civil and Gender right fraud that was perpetuated back in the 1960-70s. It was movement on the surface that appeared to be just–equality for all, but behind the scene, it was a ploy conducted and carried out by the new Judeo-Christian masters that rose up during that time with a hidden agenda. Naturally, King, Jr. was the front man for the cause and every front man has well-connected back up man,which was Jesse, as alluded to in your piece. The intent over the long haul was to undermine morality and the Constitution replacing it with self appointed and secret group leaders’ pushing divine and ideological rights that was to be held together by the gender right “phallis” worshippers. That was the deal. The Feminist’s role and responsibility was women and children–placing a divide between home and father, plus there was recruitments, and initiations, via academia “internship” programs. In other words, lawmakers got dates and sex for free, aside from Spitzer who had special desires that only pros could tackle. In return the women got political clout. That is the reason Hillary blame the right wing for Monica and invited Jesse to minister them. See the connection. Are you feeling me? For these liberal gullible “Public Services” the interns were guaranteed college credits and references. There was no shame. In any event, these well protected and hidden linkage or partnerships gave rise to the movement of “isms”, and “rights” which I might add, were unconstitutional as a skewed system and subculture emerged when we already had a Democratic system that needed the kinks worked out. Whites saw the scam but kept silent because of “guilt.” However, there was detour away from democracy and into the worlds of “Isms”. The radical promotion of socialism and communism where individuals lost their individuals right in order to think alike and follow leaders–a European thing, that was nothing but liberal elite gang rule, imported from Russia and Germany which is the reason there was nothing in American history to compare it too. That brought about a dumbing down of the masses via propoganda, judiciary activism, munbo-jumbo education and the advent of Special Ed. where psychological manipulation was the master–all by designed. There is more.

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  • § t.jenifer   said on :

    The drawback to this kind of foreign thinking is that it required domination by leaders and it required that blacks hate whites and beat down anyone seem to have intelligence rising up ranks, because the bigger agenda was truly about giving black leaders power over the black psychological plantation and the Jews would have divine over their tribe and combined support for taking Israel, which was in the works as far back as early 1900. So, to truly understand these black leaders anger, you must merge together two distinct histories of people –Blacks and Jews, and two opposing religion, Christianity and Talmudic. The partnership of the Rabbinical and Ministerial leagues had absolutely nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with a new ideology; nothing was to interfere with the ideology. So the politics of forging a watered down version of Communism and mental slavery cloaked behind democracy while ranting equal justice, gender right and multiculturalism was long running saga. To explain the “equality” of these two incompatible ideas, that is democracy and dictatorship, remember this: Montesquieu noted in The Spirit of the Laws Bk. VI, Ch. 2,
    “In republican (democracy) governments, men are all equal; equal they are also in despotic (dictatorial) governments: in the former, because they are everything; in the latter, because they are nothing.”
    To undermine individual rights, free speech, as well as the separation of church and state, men and women must be given over to brainwashing; sexual perversion, lost moral and educational values and then they become lazy and need leaders to thin and need leaders to think for them. Obama and this new generation alone with the power of the internet has pushed the “ism”, wizards and the gender fraud aside, which Hillary Clinton was devoted worshiper, for common sense and the perfection of what Montesquieu and the founders had in mind. For this very reason, the lust for power, the Founders wanted the separations of Powers, the individual bill of rights, to protect individuals from the State, from the establish of a State Religion and from Tyranny. The Good cop, bad cop ploy and the divide to conquer tactics had worked for nearly 50 years, while those who attempt to warn others were demolished professionally, like myself, which is the price one must be willing to pay without resentment, for the aim is not to get mad, but to use mind and talent to get even–level the playing field, is what I do.
    As long as Jewish leaders control their tribe and secured Israel with U.S. support, the Black leaders would become the new black Slave masters and continue to blame whites, like Jews blame Germany. Individual rights were to be lost; brilliantly, the plan worked until now when the people woke up and smelled the roses–they could think for self and pierced the veil, like Dorothy they saw the Wizards and understood the magic. The people discovered an honest history, and realized the tribal mental assault was harmful and the tribal sex was not that dam good–remember Spitzer and Bill?? So, well done my children. Keep control of your own minds and know that you have the God-given right and the talent to do any thing you desire within the bounds of Law. That old Order’s attempts to become G-d, failed. Thus, Obama represents–the many, and the demise of an unlawful system, so naturally jealousy alone with the lost of power is why Jesse and all those leaders who pushed the Hillary propaganda on the tribe, are watching “their” dreams turn into a nightmare, due to divine intervention–the elevation of consciousness. Remember the law of “Cause and Effect,” what goes around, comes around!!!!!