Noose Hung at University of Maryland, College Park

Thank you to Kendra Lee, who first read about this on and sent the info to me.

On Friday, September 7th, a noose was found hanging from a tree in front of the Nyumburu Cultural House at the University of Maryland, College Park. I participated in a book-related event at Nyumburu several months ago, and it is a beautiful, modern building dedicated to events of interest to African American students and faculty.

According to The Washington Post, students in College Park rallied together, across racial lines, to express unity against hate after the noose was discovered. Howard University’s Hilltop newspaper focused its reporting on prevailing racism on the College Park campus. NPR also aired a report of this incident.

Please see earlier blog entries (below) about the nooses hung in Alexandria, LA and a time line of events leading to the charges against the Jena 6.


  • § Fawzia Afzal-Khan said on :

    This is truly awful stuff–and what is just as bad is that there has been NO major news coverage of the initial event in Jena or its aftermath. What kind of country are we living in??