Eisa, Essence’s Vanessa Bush, The Radio Chick, and National Review contributor Lisa Schiffren on Fox 5 TV Discussing the B-Word

This morning (at 6:00 am, so I know you missed it!), Fox 5 New York’s “Street Talk” program hosted a discussion of the B-word that featured Essence magazine Executive Editor Vanessa Bush and radio personality Leslie Gold, AKA The Radio Chick. Christina Park was a joy in the studio and allowed us to have a meaningful conversation about power, language, Imus, Hip Hop, and race. Click on the link and tell me what you think… Was it just me, or did conservative National Review contributor Lisa Schiffren go at me a little?


  • § elise said on :

    did she “go at” you a little bit . . . ummm, i would say yeah, but she probably would have done the same to any black intellectual sitting in that seat. sometimes certain white people can sometimes talk to even the most intelligent black person and still try to make you feel like you don’t know what you are talking about. she might not have understood your initial comments but i think there was a more tactful way to express it. it’s cool though because you were time enough for her and made many great points especially about other people wanting to use the “n-word.”

    gotta run for now. hopefully i’ll get to finish posting my thoughts later.

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  • § Elisha said on :

    Yes, Eisa she sure did! Ditto to Elise’s comments above. Not trying to sound caddy, but you’re not only smart your pretty. How dare you be both, right? Double jeopardy! Especially to a conservative white woman with so many insecurities, I could see it in her body language. Ironically, here you all are talking about the B-Word and her treatment of you could go to the roots of how women internalize sexism, and thus create competition among one which often results in putting someone down. As one of my mentors once said, you must of said something right for her to go at you. Keep speaking your truth!

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  • § chris chambers said on :

    You did great!!! An old lady in the coffee shop where I watched this asked if that was all your hair and I said yes ma’am.

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  • § eisa718®   said on :

    You know, Chris, as long as the we elevated the discourse, got people talking about the real issues. 🙂

    Seriously, though, thanks for the support, brother.

    And sisters! Elise and Elisha, thank you for your support, too. Lisa was a nice person, and I liked her when I met her, but I just felt like she was focusing all her conservative energy on me during the taping, and my progressive energy just surged in response.



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  • § eisa718®   said on :


    I was able to view your link for the “Street Talk” discussion. For some reason I wasn’t able to post my comment on the site so I might as well tell you here. I think Leslie brought up a good point. Young professional women should not fear the “b” word being used against them. Its utterance usually means someone is afraid of a woman’s strength and relentless determination. I found it amusing that you, Eisa the progressive, never uses the word except in citing a feminist magazine. Yet, the conservative who dismisses the idea of re-appropriation admits to using the word to defame other women. Although Lisa probably saves the insults for particularly vile women, I was completely lost as to what her stance is on the word’s use after that comment.

    Thank you,
    Jesica Manzueta