
Link: http://asambleapopulardeoaxaca.com/

This information on Oaxaca, Mexico has been circulating among conscious folk for some time now. Please, if you haven’t received this message already, click on the link and view video documentation of the people’s cry for fair wages and freedom from repression.

As a teacher I, of course, support the educators throughout the country who are taking their voices to the public realm, rallying their sisters and brothers, and demanding their fair due from the government.

As a citizen of the world, I oppose state-sponsored violence anywhere, violence that diminishes us all.

>>ACTION: oaxaca, mexico


We are writing to you because right now in Oaxaca we are listening
to Raio Univerisdad while the Federal Police storm the university
from which the radio station broadcasts. It is the only source of
information regarding what is happening in Oaxaca. There is a
complete news black out . People are being gassed, water hosed;
helicopters are landing and the police are brutally attacking
protesters on the grounds of the university.
The university is autonomous and there are no legal grounds for the
police to enter the university.

Please click this link


to listen to the taking of the station. It will give you the most
chilling and accurate portrait of what is happening here. It is not
often that repression is broadcast in real time.

Please contact anyone you can think of to call their Mexican
Embassies and demand that the police cease the forceful taking of the
Radio Station. It is illegal, and will plunge Oaxaca into total mute
chaos. No one knows what is going on and this will be the final
silencing of the only independent, real time news source we have

Please act right now.

Bray Poor and Nicole Betancourt