MSNBC Vote on Obama’s First 100 Days

Thanks to Elise Chance for sending this to me:

Colleagues and Friends,
Take a look. Please vote if you are so inclined.

MSNBC has a poll up about the President’s job so far for the first 100 days. Republicans are flooding it with “F” votes. Pass this address on and go to it to vote:


  • § Cecil L. Dunham said on :

    F Minus

  • Comment(s)

  • § Carol Landsverk said on :

    F for failure to seek the best for USA
    F for frightening reality he brings…
    F for friends with wrong folks……..
    F for free lunches do not exist……
    F for foretelling of the end………
    F for fringe type American………..
    F for forthrightness is missing……
    F for frounce in attitude…………
    F for fullfilled promises lacking….
    F for furtiveness full blown………

  • Comment(s)

  • § Bill Rogers said on :

    F in every aspect of his preidency.
    He is not even qualified to be

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  • § Bob said on :

    I am not worried. Obama knows what’s good for me.

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  • § davi said on :

    he is the greatest and he is doing a very good job

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  • § pittershawn   said on :

    I think, like a wanting lover, we should be more observent. We can’t let being in love keep us from seeing certain things with clarity.

    I would never vote in such trite things, particularly not through a controlled media. It is really insulting to my intelligence to imagine I should “vote” on a thing I have no viable way of measuring at this point in time. No fruit has beared. There is nothing to vote on. And even if there was, I would never believe a media that is not open would be so inclined to give me the truth about what is going on in our world. The days of Watergate type journalism are gone. Maybe they were dying then and the story was merely a means to save a dying paper.

    Either way, MSNBC and their ilk insult my intelligence by asking me to “vote.” Vote on what? Nothing has happened, nothing has changed, and nothing but idle words have been floating around. This government is on its last leg. And I do not believe anyone can save it, because many are unaware of the forces that are determined to see the world transformed into one giant slave ship.

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  • § Cathy Chen   said on :

    Many voted based on their political party view point. We need to focus on what the solution not judgemental comments. What can we contribute a solution, suggestion, and common interests for our country as people not separate class and party interest. voting will not make a different except create anger and division among people.

  • Comment(s)

  • § Cathy Chen   said on :

    Many voted based on their political party view point. We need to focus on solution not judgemental comments. What can we contribute to a solution, suggestion, and idea common interest for our people in this country, not based on separate class and party interest. Voting will not make a different except create anger and division among people.