OPEN LETTER TO BLACK AMERICABy Kevin Powell WRITER?s NOTE: The following essay appears in the April 2010 issue of EBONY magazine, but the writer owns this piece. Feel free to post widely AS IS andContinue reading
Category: Archive
Eisa’s Blog Entries from 2006-2018
“Greening Our Communities” Networking Event to be held at Green Spaces NYC
NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION TO HOST TRIBECA MIXER FOR URBAN COMMUNITY LEADERS WORKING FOR GREENER, CLEANER NEIGHBORHOODS ?Greening Our Communities? Networking Event to be held at Green Spaces NYC (NEW YORK) ? The National Wildlife FederationContinue reading
Patricia Spears Jones on the Passing of Lucille Clifton
Everything below comes from Patricia Spears Jones: ***** I had the honor of facilitating a conversation between Lucille Clifton and Ishmael Reed at The Schomburg Center, January 29, 2009. I have excepted the part ofContinue reading
Dr. Joy DeGruy at CCNY
The Paper A Medium for People of African Descent presents A Conversation with Dr. Joy DeGruy Noted Researcher, Presenter and Author of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing Moderated byContinue reading
Melissa Harris-Lacewell in The Nation: Michael Eric Dyson Corrected on Obama and Race
This originally appeared online on Black and Progressive Sociologists for Obama. Thank you to Sabiyha Prince for this. Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Dyson Corrected: On Obama and Race All progress is precarious, and the solutionContinue reading
Updates for The March 2010 National Black Writers Conference at Medgar Evers College
Updates for National Black Writers Conference with Toni Morrison as Honorary Chair Effective 2.07.10 4:00 pm to 6:00 pmSpoken Word Poetry Café (Brooklyn Public Library)Staceyann Chinn and Willie Perdomo, Featured Poets Willie Perdomo added asContinue reading
Jeffery Renard Allen at The Studio Museum in Harlem
Jeff Allen will be reading at the Studio Museum in Harlem next Tuesday, February 16th, at 7:00 P.M. His story collection, Holding Pattern, recently won the Ernest J. Gaines Award for literary excellence. RingShout Salon – Push, Erasure, and Precious
An edited version of this appeared on On December 6, 2009, the founding members of RingShout: A Place for Black Literature hosted a literary salon. The topic of our discussion: The Presentation of BlackContinue reading
The Fania Davis and RJOY – “No Word for Prison”
What does a woman do after coming-of-age in Birmingham in the 1950s, after losing two friends in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing that killed four little girls in the 1960s, after helping free aContinue reading
Ratner’s Atlantic Yards Project Would Destory Homeless Shelter – Councilmember Letitia James and Singer Crystal Waters Fight Back
The following all comes from Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn: Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn NewsletterJanuary 15, 2010 Saturday, Jan 16, 2pm.Letitia James Urges Your Attendance at Press Conference To Keep Homeless Family Shelter Open——————————————————————-Councilmember Letitia JamesContinue reading
Patricia Spears Jones will Lead Master Writing Class
COURSE OFFERING?WINTER CYCLE Macon Street Writing Circle Master Writing Class?Seven Weeks Master Class for accomplished poets and writers. The focus will be on revision and generating new work. This is the third year of thisContinue reading – Jabari Asim’s Debut Fiction: A Taste of Honey
By Eisa Nefertari Ulen, published in The Defenders Online, December 18th, 2009 It is entirely fitting that Jabari Asim’s debut fiction, A Taste of Honey, is published in this, the year after Change. Everything isContinue reading
Guest Blog – Suad Abdul-Khabeer on Avatar: The Limits of the Human Imagination
Avatar: the limits of the human imagination 14.25 per person. That?s how much I paid for my husband, my sister and myself to see Avatar. I wasn?t following the hype leading up to the movieContinue reading – Attica Locke’s Black Water Rising
By Eisa Nefertari Ulen, published in The Defenders Online, December 8th, 2009 Attica Locke has added her name to the list of best black genre fiction with her debut thriller, Black Water Rising, acclaimed byContinue reading
Interview with the Author: Victor LaValle’s Big Machine
An edited version of this interview was posted on Funny, funky, and hip, Big Machine, Victor LaValle?s third book, is a fast, fierce ride. In it, Ricky Rice, a suicide cult survivor, is summonedContinue reading
Open Letter to Oprah from Donna Grant and Virginia DeBerry
In a moment of frustration Virginia wrote an open letter to Oprah, and shared it with a few writer friends who are going through the same thing we are. Now the letter is starting toContinue reading
Queer Studies 101 ? The LGBT Struggle is a Civil Rights Struggle
In a grainy, black and white video, a cluster of men shifts from one end of the screen to another. They could be laughing, roughhousing, man-hugging. They could be man-loving. In seconds, the blur ofContinue reading
Statement from Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn on Atlantic Yards Ruling
Atlantic Yards Fight Far From Over——————————————————————- The following is our press release in response to the Court of Appeals ruling today on the eminent domain case (and more new round up here): For Immediate Release:Continue reading