Guest Blog: Pittershawn Palmer on McDonald’s and Our Food Supply

I’ve always said, McDonald’s has a really distinctive smell. But it doesn’t smell like food…

Check out the following guest blog, all of which was written by writer Pittershawn Palmer:

Hello friends and family. This is not a forward. This is actually my personal experiment. – pp

About 5 weeks ago, someone sent me an email with a You Tube video. In it, a woman was talking about many of the things I already knew about and the garbage they put in 95% of foods; not just fast foods, but your groceries, the food you trust and depend on. After reading Fast Food Nation, I learned pretty quickly some things I didn’t know, along with some things I wanted to confirm. Books like, Natural Cures and documentaries such as Supersize Me added to my research on what is being done to the food supply. To learn about Monsanto’s recently purchased “Terminator Seed”, which they plan to roll out in South America, Africa and parts of Asia, was a blow to my system. I had hoped that this was not true, that this Terminator Seed didn’t exist. But the fact is, they are genetically modifying our foods and they do want to control the food supply of the world, which includes disallowing potentially self sufficient nations from growing food (hence the Terminator seed) in their own back yard…and creating patents on food that would make it illegal to plant a seed that is genetically modified.

Many fast food establishments are a part of this. And to ensure they make the maximum amount of money, not only do they intend to control the food supply, but they want longevity to decrease spoilage, thereby saving money–so they’ve already added shelf life to the foods you eat by loading them with everything but formaldehyde. And if you don’t look out, they might put that in there as well!

Anyhoo, the YouTube video showed a woman sharing with viewers a McDonald’s cheeseburger she claimed was 3 years old. Now as we all know, any food left out in the summer heat wouldn’t last two weeks without turning to near compost. So it was evident she had to be lying. What company would put so much chemicals in a food that it could not degrade? And who would knowingly eat such a Frankenstein food? She was lying. The fruit I left on my counter in the sweltering heat (90 degrees), began to get soft by day 5. In the fridge, they would begin decay by day 14, give or take (depending on the fruit). Unpreserved bread had to be refrigerated, or would get mold by day 10 or so.

Leftover cooked food could barely withstand 3 days out without molding and smelling. She was lying.

So, I did what any honest scientist would do. I purchased a McDonald’s cheeseburger with fries, dated the bag, and placed it in my cabinet, exposed to the elements in 90 degree weather. It has been there since July 7, 2008. A month today.

Below are images of my burger and fries, which to date, have not been refrigerated, and still smell as though I purchased them an hour ago. All that is required is a bit of microwaving. Shall I deliver it to your home?

This is what people are eating. If it cannot be broken down by the elements (elements that break down a dead body with ease), then what is it doing to your body which certainly can’t break it down either?? Ask yourself why people are getting fat. Ask yourself why they are getting sick so easily and diseased and have poor immune systems. What are you eating? To say FrankenFood is an understatement.

NOTE: on the burger, the white stuff is just bun that stuck to the burger; but as you can see, none of the bun has molded. SuperBread!!

P.S. The experiment continues…tune in next month to see the developments of my lovely experiment. I must make a note reminding me to apologize to that woman whom I thought was lying.


  • § DeBerryandGrant   said on :

    Scary stuff. I don’t eat their “food-like offerings” because I don’t like it. Now I have even better reason!